Please find below automatically-generated documentation for "some" IDL software.
This "index" file is (hopefully correctly;-) hyperlinked to IDL source code.
Created by my_mk_html_help
, which you can download as part of myidllib
Mattia Vaccari
Last modified : Mon Aug 30 11:39:32 2010.
NAME: ASTROTV PURPOSE: Produce RA-DEC labelled "X" (800x800 pixel^2), Full-Size "Grabbed" JPG and "EPS" (20x20 cm^2) plots of af image IM with an header HD, overplotting N-E arrows INPUTS: IM - Array containing some 2D image HD - FITS header of IM OUTPUTS: None KEYWORDS: OUTDIR - in - output directory (defaults to '.') PREFIX - in - filename prefix (defaults to 'idl') TITLE - in - plot title (passed to imcontour) MINVALUE - in - tvscale minvalue (passed to tvscale) MAXVALUE - in - tvscale maxvalue (passed to tvscale) EXAMPLES: im=readfits('~/spitzer/swire/mips-ge/aal/mosaics_and_catalogues/70um_mosaics/mosaic_en2_70.fits.gz',hdr) j0=where(finite(im) eq 0) & j1=where(finite(im) eq 1) & im[j0]=min(im[j1]) & astrotv,im,hdr WRITTEN FILES: PREFIX.jpg/eps (defaults to idl.jpg/eps) SEE ALSO: MAKE_IMAGE HISTORY: 16 Nov 2004 Written by Mattia Vaccari 19 Apr 2005 Call to SCREEN_GRAB added and expanded doc 15 Aug 2009 TITLE, MINVALUE and MAXVALUE keywords added 06 Dec 2009 OUTDIR keyword and on_error,2 added
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NAME: CLOSEPS PURPOSE: Close a PS file with "suitable" plot parameters EXAMPLES: To be used together with closeps, e.g. openps ; Plot Commands... closeps MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11 May 2006 Adapted from Seb Oliver's ENDPS (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: DEC2SEX PURPOSE: Convert Celestial Coordinates from Decimal to Sexagesimal Format RESTRICTIONS: !!! BEWARE !!! : no-frills routine. no checks on inputs! MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16 Jan 2005 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: HISTOPLOT PURPOSE: Histogram Plotting Routine INPUTS: DATA data to be plotted BS data bin size ( optional, defaults to (max-min)/10 ) KEYWORDS: CUM Cumulative histogram (sums over increasing data values) INVCUM Inverse cumulative histogram (sums over decreasing data values) MIN Minimum value of data (or of alog10(data) if LOG is set) to be plotted MAX Maximum value of data (or of alog10(data) if LOG is set) to be plotted LOG Logarithmically bin data (if set, BS and MIN/MAX refer to the log-value while XRANGE refers to the lin-value) OVERPLOT Overplot FRACTION Plot fractional histogram values rather than numerical ones LINESTYLE Passed to PLOT, defaults to (2) 0 if OVERPLOT is (NOT) set XRANGE Passed to PLOT, defaults to [min,max] TITLE Passed to PLOT, defaults to '' XTITLE Passed to PLOT, defaults to '' YTITLE Passed to PLOT, defaults to '' ERRPLOT Plot +- SQRT(N) errors "around" histogram values FILL Fill Histogram (experimental and likely to break down on elaborate plots) COLOR Passed to PLOT, defaults to 255 (but overridden to 254 if EPS is set) EPS COLOR/THICK tuned for (E)PS output (works nicely with openps/closeps) PSYM Passed to PLOT, defaults to 10 (i.e. histogram) THICK Passed to PLOT, defaults to 1 (but overridden to 5 if EPS is set) S25 Plot histogram values / binsize * bincenter^2.5 (e.g. for astronomical source counts) YSF Y-axis Scale Factor (histogram values are multiplied by YSF) VERBOSE Print histogram values (and also values +- sqrt(values) if ERRPLOT is set) to terminal VARNAME Output histogram values (and also values +- sqrt(values) if ERRPLOT is set) to VARNAME FILENAME Print histogram values (and also values +- sqrt(values) if ERRPLOT is set) to FILENAME NOFIRSTBIN Suppress plotting of first (by default empty) bin NOLASTBIN Suppress plotting of last (by default empty) bin _EXTRA Extra keywords (passed to PLOT) NOTES: MIN : When MIN=0 is specified in calling the procedure things can get messy. Try and use a small MIN, instead! COLOR : When graphical output is being sent to the PS device, one must set COLOR=254 (i.e. black in the CURRENT version of MYCOLORS) in order for B&W effects to work properly. TODOS: Add BL (Bin Limits) keyword to specify bins exactly MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01 May 2001 Written by Mattia Vaccari 09 Oct 2003 Miscellaneous modifications: in particular, now handles logarithmically-binned histograms 14 Nov 2003 Minor debugging 04 Dec 2003 FRACTION keyword added and MIN/MAX debugging 19 Jan 2004 COLOR keyword added and LINESTYLE debugging 20 Jan 2004 COLOR keyword debugging 16 Nov 2004 Array containing histogram values is now zero-valued at extremes, and thus looks better in plot 29 Aug 2005 MIN and MAX keywords behaviour and other debugging 16 Jan 2006 S25 and YSF keywords added 19 Jan 2006 VERBOSE keyword added and LOG/MIN/MAX debugging 21 Jan 2006 INVCUM and PSYM keywords added 24 Jan 2006 XSTYLE, YSTYLE and ERRPLOT keywords added 06 Mar 2006 S25 debugging (Finally Correct!?) 14 Mar 2006 Contents of Output (to Screen & File) changed 31 Mar 2006 Error bars plotted the same color of data points 02 Apr 2006 Debugging of terminal output toggled by VERBBOSE keyword 15 Nov 2007 VARNAME keyword added 07 Dec 2007 THICK, NOFIRSTBIN and NOLASTBIN keywords added 14 Feb 2008 BS keyword made optional 14 Jun 2008 NODATA now also passed to ERRPLOT 01 Jul 2008 FILL keyword added 14 Jul 2008 PS keyword added 09 Feb 2009 FOR loop running index data type changed to LONG
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NAME: IMAGETRIM PURPOSE: Create/Write a (fits) trimmed version of an input (fits) image NB : input *can* be gzipped and output *is* gzipped INPUTS: FN (STRING) Input Filename KEYWORD PARAMETERS: FAC (INT) Trimming Factor SIDE EFFECTS: Writes file to disk MODIFICATION HISTORY: Written on 05 May 2010 by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MAGERRSUM PURPOSE: Sum magnitude errors (companion routine to MAGSUM) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27 Jul 2007 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MAGSUM PURPOSE: Sum magnitudes (companion routine to MAGERRSUM) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27 Jul 2007 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MAKE_IMAGE PURPOSE: Make eps and png image of a sky field showing its coordinates and orientation INPUTS: IFN : Input File Name KEYWORDS: odir=odir ; Output Directory (default is './') ofn=ofn ; Output File Name without extension (default is 'idl') is=is ; Image Size i.e. size of larger side of eps file in cm (default is 20) ifr=ifr ; Image Fraction i.e. fraction of image covered by plot (default is 0.7) cm=cm : Color Map (default is 0) min=min ; (default is min(arr)) max=max ; (default is max(arr)) thick=thick ; axis/annotations/symbols thickness (default is 3) title=title ; Image Title (default is '') wc=wc ; Wild Card value for "no data" points invcols=invcols ; inverts color map noaxes=noaxes ; doesn't plot axes (or rather plots them outside EPS BB) EXAMPLES: ifn='~/spitzer/swire/mips-ge/aal/mosaics_and_catalogues/70um_mosaics/mosaic_en2_70.fits.gz' make_image,ifn WRITTEN FILES: ODIR/OFN.eps/png (defaults to ./idl.eps/png) SEE ALSO: ASTROTV MODIFICATION HISTORY: 07 Jul 2007 Written by Mattia Vaccari on 070707!;-) 11 Jul 2007 Variously tweaked by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MAKE_MY_IDL_HELP PURPOSE: Generates HTML documentation to IDL software within a given directory defining hyperlinks to IDL source files CATEGORY: Help/Documentation KEYED INPUTS: DIR directory name (default is ".") FILE help file name (default is /my_idl_help.html") TITLE Title of the produced HTML file WRITTEN FILES: FILE DEPENDENCIES: Calls MY_MK_HTML_HELP MODIFICATION HISTORY: 02 Mar 2001 Written by Mattia Vaccari 07 May 2001 DIR and FILE keywords added (Mattia Vaccari) 25 Apr 2003 FILE default value changed and miscellaneous improvements: now calls MK_LARI_HTML_HELP, thus generating hyperlinks to software source (Mattia Vaccari) 05 Dec 2004 Refactored for general application. Now calls MY_MK_HTML_HELP (Mattia Vaccari) 12 Jan 2005 Debugging of DIR and FILE keywords (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: MYALIAS NB : This is CIA's ALIAS procedure modified to allow its use outside the CIA environment !!! SEE BELOW FOR ORIGINAL ALIAS DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS !!! 15 Apr 2008 - Adapted from ALIAS (Mattia Vaccari) PURPOSE: provides a lot of useful aliases to quit, delete, ... for a variety of operation systems CATEGORY: I-4 user CALLING SEQUENCE: look at the example section for the various functions INPUTS: none OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYED INPUTS: none OUTPUTS: none OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYED OUTPUTS: none EXAMPLE: quit logout bye delete, filename ls h hs, structure hh, structure pstat pwd lut, table luts display, image disp, window=window load, image frame, cube, i diso, im load_cube, cube clear xblink, a, b, rate spec, vector eval, statement pause, seconds abort top man, command info, table setps endps ALGORITHM: straightforward DEPENDENCIES: none COMMON BLOCKS: none SIDE EFFECTS: none RESTRICTIONS: some commands are not supported under Mac OS Classic but only under Mac OS X ( identified as !version.os='darwin' ) CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: quit logout bye delete ls h hs hh pstat pwd lut luts display disp load frame diso load_cube clear xblink spec eval pause abort top man info setps endps widget_olh SEE ALSO: none MODIFICATION HISTORY: 13-Sep-1996 SO taken from anonymous unix source --- thanks! 28-JUL-1997 SO dealiased blink to avoid clash with generice blink function 05-Sep-1997 SO ciainfo as alias for widget_olh 25-mar-1998 SO put ciainfo as seperate routine COPYRIGHT: This routine belongs to the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis Package CIA. CIA is a joint development by the ESA Astrophysics Division and the ISOCAM Consortium led by the ISOCAM PI, C. Cesarsky, Direction des Sciences de la Matiere, C.E.A., France. Contributing ISOCAM Consortium institutes are Service d'Astrophysique (SAp, Saclay, France) and Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS, Orsay, France) When publishing ISOCAM Data reduced with this analysis package, please mention this in the acknowledgement the following way: "The ISOCAM data presented in this paper was analysed using "CIA", a joint development by the ESA Astrophysics Division and the ISOCAM Consortium led by the ISOCAM PI, C. Cesarsky, Direction des Sciences de la Matiere, C.E.A., France. " Its use and distribution to authorised sites are free, as long as this header text is not removed, or changed. No warranties for installation/ support/ maintenance are given.
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NAME: MYCOLORS PURPOSE: Set up a few colors into low numbers on the LUT for use in graphs NB : Black & White change roles when writing to PS!!! Resulting colors 0: Black ( White if \INVBAW ) 1: White ( Black if \INVBAW ) 2: Red 3: Green 4: Blue 5: Yellow 6: Cyan 7: Magenta 8: Pink 9: Light Green 10: Blue-ish 11: Cyan-ish 12: Magenta-ish 13: Green-ish 14: Yellow-ish 15: Cyan-ish 16-253: Unchanged 254: Black ( White if \INVBAW ) 255: White ( Black if \INVBAW ) CATEGORY: Graphics - Color Handling CALLING SEQUENCE: MYCOLORS KEYWORDS: INVBAW (BIT) : Invert Black & White (i.e. Background & Foreground Colors) in Colormap COMMON BLOCKS: COLORS SIDE EFFECTS: Changes LUT MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01 Jan 2001 Adapted from Seb Oliver's COLOURS by Mattia Vaccari 30 Oct 2004 Set color index 255 to white (Mattia Vaccari) 26 Jan 2006 Tinkered with 254 & 255 White/Black coloring (Mattia Vaccari) 05 Mar 2006 Tinkered with 254 & 255 White/Black coloring (Mattia Vaccari) 02 Jun 2008 Reworked (old and new) colors and \INVBAW added (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: MYDBBUILD NB : This is IDL astrolib's DBBUILD procedure modified to allow its use on catalogues of up to 100 columns (rather than 30) !!! SEE BELOW FOR ORIGINAL DBBUILD DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS !!! 18 Nov 2006 - Extended to 100 columns by Mattia Vaccari PURPOSE: Build a database by appending new values for every item. EXPLANATION: The database must be opened for update (with DBOPEN) before calling MYDBBUILD. CALLING SEQUENCE: MYDBBUILD, [ v1, v2, v3, v4......v100, /NOINDEX, /SILENT, STATUS = ] INPUTS: v1,v2....v100 - vectors containing values for all items in the database. V1 contains values for the first item, V2 for the second, etc. The number of vectors supplied must equal the number of items (excluding entry number) in the database. The number of elements in each vector should be the same. A multiple valued item should be dimensioned NVALUE by NENTRY, where NVALUE is the number of values, and NENTRY is the number of entries. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: /NOINDEX - If this keyword is supplied and non-zero then MYDBBUILD will *not* create an indexed file. Useful to save time if MYDBBUILD is to be called several times and the indexed file need only be created on the last call /SILENT - If the keyword SILENT is set and non-zero, then MYDBBUILD will not print a message when the index files are generated OPTIONAL OUTPUT KEYWORD: STATUS - Returns a status code denoting whether the operation was successful (1) or unsuccessful (0). Useful when MYDBBUILD is called from within other applications. EXAMPLE: Suppose a database named STARS contains the four items NAME,RA,DEC, and FLUX. Assume that one already has the four vectors containing the values, and that the database definition (.DBD) file already exists. IDL> !PRIV=2 ;Writing to database requires !PRIV=2 IDL> dbcreate,'stars',1,1 ;Create database (.DBF) & index (.DBX) file IDL> dbopen,'stars',1 ;Open database for update IDL> mydbbuild,name,ra,dec,flux ;Write 4 vectors into the database NOTES: Do not call DBCREATE before MYDBBUILD if you want to append entries to an existing database MYDBBUILD checks that each value vector matches the idl type given in the database definition (..dbd) file, and that character strings are the proper length. REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman March, 1989 Added /NOINDEX keyword W. Landsman November, 1992 User no longer need supply all items W. Landsman December, 1992 Added STATUS keyword, William Thompson, GSFC, 1 April 1994 Added /SILENT keyword, William Thompson, GSFC, October 1995 Allow up to 30 items, fix problem if first item was multiple value W. Landsman GSFC, July 1996 Faster build of external databases on big endian machines W. Landsman GSFC, November 1997 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman 24-Nov-1997 Use SIZE(/TNAME) for error mesage display W.Landsman July 2001 Fix message display error introduced July 2001 W. Landsman Oct. 2001
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NAME: MYFTAB_EXT NB : This is IDL astrolib's FTAB_EXT procedure modified to allow its use on files of up to 500 columns (rather than 9) and !!! SEE BELOW FOR ORIGINAL READCOL DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS !!! 06 Nov 2008 - Extended to 300 columns by Mattia Vaccari 14 Feb 2009 - NONFINITE keyword added by Mattia Vaccari 06 Mar 2009 - WILDCARD keyword added by Mattia Vaccari 13 Mar 2009 - WILDCARD keyword scope extended by Mattia Vaccari 17 Mar 2009 - Extended to 500 columns by Mattia Vaccari PURPOSE: Routine to extract columns from a FITS (binary or ASCII) table. CALLING SEQUENCE: MYFTAB_EXT, name_or_fcb, columns, v1, [v2,..,v500, ROWS=, EXTEN_NO=] INPUTS: name_or_fcb - either a scalar string giving the name of a FITS file containing a (binary or ASCII) table, or an IDL structure containing as file control block (FCB) returned by FITS_OPEN If MYFTAB_EXT is to be called repeatedly on the same file, then it is quicker to first open the file with FITS_OPEN, and then pass the FCB structure to FTAB_EXT columns - table columns to extract. Can be either (1) String with names separated by commas (2) Scalar or vector of column numbers OUTPUTS: v1,...,v500 - values for the columns. Up to 500 columns can be extracted OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: ROWS - scalar or vector giving row number(s) to extract Row numbers start at 0. If not supplied or set to -1 then values for all rows are returned EXTEN_NO - Extension number to process. If not set, then data is extracted from the first extension in the file (EXTEN_NO=1) NONFINITE - FLT(1) - if set, changes all numerical non-finite input elements into NONFINITE WILDCARD - FLT(N+1) if set, changes all numerical input elements equal to WILDCARD[0:N-1] into WILDCARD[N] (done *after* NONFINITE) NB : N must be at least 1, i.e. EXAMPLES: Read wavelength and flux vectors from the first extension of a FITS file, ''. Using FTAB_HELP,'' we find that this information is in columns named 'WAVELENGTH' and 'FLUX' (in columns 1 and 2). To read the data IDL> myftab_ext,'','wavelength,flux',w,f or IDL> myftab_ext,'',[1,2],w,f PROCEDURES CALLED: FITS_READ, FITS_CLOSE, FTINFO, FTGET(), TBINFO, TBGET() HISTORY: version 1 W. Landsman August 1997 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Improve speed processing binary tables W. Landsman March 2000 Use new FTINFO calling sequence W. Landsman May 2000 Don't call fits_close if fcb supplied W. Landsman May 2001 Use STRSPLIT to parse column string W. Landsman July 2002 Cleanup pointers in TBINFO structure W. Landsman November 2003 Avoid EXECUTE() if V6.1 or later W. Landsamn December 2006
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NAME: MYIDLRC PURPOSE: IDL StartUp File USE: Copy to ~/.idlrc ( or to otherwise defined defined $IDL_STARTUP ) RESTRICTIONS: Depends on (and initializes) NASA GSFC IDL "astrolib" MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01 Nov 2008 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MYJOURNAL PURPOSE: Opens a journal file named according to date & time of opening (e.g. journal_061225_210233.jou for 25 Dec 2006 21:02:33) CATEGORY: Journaling TODOS: Check whether a journal file is already open before issuing the JOURNAL command MODIFICATION HISTORY: 14 Mar 2001 Written by Mattia Vaccari 25 Dec 2006 Now checks whether a journal file is already open (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: MYOPLOT PURPOSE: Mattia's Very Own O-Plotting Routine INPUTS: X - abscissa/ordinate data points (if Y is/isnot set) Y (optional) - ordinate data points KEYWORDS: RED (SCL INT) - plotting reduction factor (one out of RED points is actually plotted) (e.g. for crowded plots and/or to speed up plotting) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27 Nov 2007 Adapted from his own MYPLOT by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MYPLOT PURPOSE: Mattia's Very Own Plotting Routine INPUTS: X - abscissa/ordinate data points (if Y is/isnot set) Y (optional) - ordinate data points KEYWORDS: RED (SCL INT) - plotting reduction factor (one out of RED points is actually plotted) (e.g. for crowded plots and/or to speed up plotting) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01 May 2007 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: MYPLOTCAT PURPOSE : Plot source catalogue as (RA,Dec) pairs onto a window (or eps file) of the correct (x,y) size (ratio) INPUTS: RA & DEC (FLOAT) - RA and Dec of catalogue sources PSYM (INT) - symbol code used in plotting sources (deafults to 3) KEYWORDS: EPS - writes to eps file rather than plotting window OPENEPS - leave eps open after call (e.g. for overplotting) RED (INT) - plotting reduction factor (one out of RED points is actually plotted) (e.g. for crowded plots and/or to speed up plotting) SIZE (INT) - size of larger side of the plotting window (defaults to 800 and 20 for X and EPS) NOARROWS if set, does NOT plot N-E arrows using ARROWS (default is to plot them) ARRPOS [x,y] position of N-E arrows in /normal-ized device coordinates (defaults to [0.2,0.1]) _EXTRA - passed to PLOT MODIFICATION HISTORY: 20 Jun 2008 Written by Mattia Vaccari 01 Aug 2008 EPS & OPENEPS keywords added (Mattia Vaccari) 14 Aug 2008 RA direction debugged and NOARROWS and ARRPOS keyword added (Mattia Vaccari) 10 Sep 2008 OPENEPS Debugging (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: MYREADCAT PURPOSE: Read tabulated data from FILENAME text file into DATA structure containing all FILENAME columns as fields. A 3-column catalogue would e.g. produce a structure made up by the DATA.C0 , DATA.C1 and DATA.C2 fields (Note the IDL-like 0-based indexing) INPUTS: FILENAME - Filename containing tabulated data (STRING) OUTPUTS: DATA - Structure whose fields array types are described by FORMAT KEYWORDS: SKIPLINE - # of leading lines to skip when reading DATA from FILENAME NUMLINE - overall # of lines to be read into DATA from FILENAME FORMAT - keyword passed to MYREADCOL DELIMITER - identifies delimiter in counting columns and keyword passed to MYREADCOL ( default to ' ' ) COMPRESS - if set, assumes input file is compressed using gzip RESTRICTIONS: NB : FILENAME must either contain numerical data only (see MYREADDATA), or a combination of alphanumerical data suitably described by the FORMAT keyword DEPENDENCIES: NB : !!! Works with IDL >= 5.6 only !!! HISTORY: 29 Dec 2005 Adapted from his own MYREADDATA by Mattia Vaccari 15 May 2006 NUMLIME keyword added (Mattia Vaccari) 15 Jan 2007 on_error,2 added (Mattia Vaccari) 16 Jul 2007 DELIMITER keyword added and NUMLINE keyword debugged (Mattia Vaccari) 31 Jul 2007 SKIPLINE keyword debugged (Mattia Vaccari) 31 Oct 2009 COMPRESS keyword added (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: MYREADCOL NB : This is IDL astrolib's READCOL procedure modified to allow its use on files of up to 250 columns (rather than 25) !!! SEE BELOW FOR ORIGINAL READCOL DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS !!! 27 Oct 2004 - Extended to 50 columns by Mattia Vaccari 02 Dec 2004 - Extended to 250 columns by Mattia Vaccari 24 May 2008 - Added 'M' format for LONG64 by Mattia Vaccari 17 Mar 2009 - Extended to 500 columns by Mattia Vaccari 31 Oct 2009 - COMPRESS keyword added by Mattia Vaccari EXTRA KEYWORDS: COMPRESS - if set, assumes input file is compressed using gzip PURPOSE: Read a free-format ASCII file with columns of data into IDL vectors EXPLANATION: Lines of data not meeting the specified format (e.g. comments) are ignored. Columns may be separated by commas or spaces. Use READFMT to read a fixed-format ASCII file. Use RDFLOAT for much faster I/O (but less flexibility). Use FORPRINT to write columns of data (inverse of READCOL). CALLING SEQUENCE: MYREADCOL, name, v1, [ v2, v3, v4, v5, ... v500, COMMENT= DELIMITER= ,FORMAT = , /DEBUG , /SILENT , SKIPLINE = , NUMLINE = ] INPUTS: NAME - Name of ASCII data file, scalar string. In VMS, an extension of .DAT is assumed, if not supplied. OPTIONAL INPUT KEYWORDS: FORMAT - scalar string containing a letter specifying an IDL type for each column of data to be read. Allowed letters are A - string data, B - byte, D - double precision, F- floating point, I - integer, L - longword, Z - longword hexadecimal, and X - skip a column. Columns without a specified format are assumed to be floating point. Examples of valid values of FMT are 'A,B,I' ;First column to read as a character string, then 1 column of byte data, 1 column integer data 'L,L,L,L' ;Four columns will be read as longword arrays. ' ' ;All columns are floating point If a FORMAT keyword string is not supplied, then all columns are assumed to be floating point. /SILENT - Normally, MYREADCOL will display each line that it skips over. If SILENT is set and non-zero then these messages will be suppressed. /DEBUG - If this keyword is non-zero, then additional information is printed as MYREADCOL attempts to read and interpret the file. COMMENT - single character specifying comment signal. Any line beginning with this character will be skipped. Default is no comment lines. DELIMITER - single character specifying delimiter used to separate columns. Default is either a comma or a blank. SKIPLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at the first line. NUMLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file OUTPUTS: V1,V2,V3,...,V250 - IDL vectors to contain columns of data. Up to 250 columns may be read. The type of the output vectors are as specified by FORMAT. EXAMPLES: Each row in a file position.dat contains a star name and 6 columns of data giving an RA and Dec in sexigesimal format. Read into IDL variables. (NOTE: The star names must not include the delimiter as a part of the name, no spaces or commas as default.) IDL> FMT = 'A,I,I,F,I,I,F' IDL> MYREADCOL,'position.dat',F=FMT,name,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec The HR,MIN,DEG, and DMIN variables will be integer vectors. Alternatively, all except the first column could be specified as floating point. IDL> MYREADCOL,'position.dat',F='A',name,hr,min,sec,deg,dmin,dsec To read just the variables HR,MIN,SEC IDL> MYREADCOL,'position.dat',F='X,I,I,F',HR,MIN,SEC RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is designed for generality and not for speed. If a large ASCII file is to be read repeatedly, it may be worth writing a specialized reader. Columns to be read as strings must not contain the delimiter character (i.e. commas or spaces by default). Either change the default delimiter with the DELIMITER keyword, or use READFMT to read such files. Numeric values are converted to specified format. For example, the value 0.13 read with an 'I' format will be converted to 0. PROCEDURES CALLED GETTOK(), NUMLINES(), REPCHR(), STRNUMBER() MINIMUM IDL VERSION: V5.3 (Uses STRSPLIT) REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman November, 1988 Modified J. Bloch June, 1991 (Fixed problem with over allocation of logical units.) Added SKIPLINE and NUMLINE keywords W. Landsman March 92 Read a maximum of 25 cols. Joan Isensee, Hughes STX Corp., 15-SEP-93. Call NUMLINES() function W. Landsman Feb. 1996 Added DELIMITER keyword W. Landsman Nov. 1999 Fix indexing typos (i for k) that mysteriously appeared W. L. Mar. 2000 Hexadecimal support added. MRG, RITSS, 15 March 2000. Default is comma or space delimiters as advertised W.L. July 2001 Faster algorithm, use STRSPLIT if V5.3 or later W.L. May 2002
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NAME: MYREADDATA PURPOSE: Read tabulated data from FILENAME text file into *one* double (by default, or single if SINGLE keyword is set) precision DATA array in a straightforward way, suitable e.g. for large catalogues. INPUTS: FILENAME - Filename containing tabulated data (STRING) OUTPUTS: DATA - double (by default, or single if SINGLE keyword is set) precision floating array containing data KEYWORDS: SKIPLINE - # of leading lines to skip when reading DATA from FILENAME NUMLINE - overall # of lines to be read into DATA from FILENAME SINGLE - if set, uses single rather than (default) double precision COMPRESS - if set, assumes input file is compressed using gzip RESTRICTIONS: NB : FILENAME must contain numerical data only, without any leading or trailing lines including data description or comments (apart from those skipped by using SKIPLINE) DEPENDENCIES: NB : !!! Works with IDL >= 5.6 only !!! HISTORY: 27 Oct 2004 Written by Mattia Vaccari 05 Nov 2004 Debugging (Mattia Vaccari) 09 Nov 2004 Debugging (Mattia Vaccari) 11 Nov 2004 Debugging (Mattia Vaccari) 14 Sep 2005 FREE_LUN,LUN added (Mattia Vaccari) 06 Mar 2006 Missing FREE_LUN,LUN added (Mattia Vaccari) 15 May 2006 NUMLIME keyword added (Mattia Vaccari) 15 Jan 2007 on_error,2 added (Mattia Vaccari) 06 Dec 2007 SINGLE keyword added (Mattia Vaccari) 31 Oct 2009 COMPRESS keyword added (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: MYREADFMT NB : This is IDL astrolib's READFMT procedure modified to allow its use on files of 1-250 or 300/400/500 (rather than 25) columns !!! SEE BELOW FOR ORIGINAL READCOL DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS !!! 03 Mar 2009 - Extended to 1-100 columns by Mattia Vaccari 17 Mar 2009 - Extended to 1-150 and 200/300/400/500 columns by Mattia Vaccari 17 Mar 2009 - Extended to 1-250 and 300/400/500 columns by Mattia Vaccari 31 Oct 2009 - COMPRESS keyword added by Mattia Vaccari EXTRA KEYWORDS: COMPRESS - if set, assumes input file is compressed using gzip PURPOSE: Quickly read a fixed format ASCII data file into IDL variables. EXPLANATION: Lines of data not meeting the specified format (e.g. comments) are ignored. To read a free format ASCII data file use the procedures READCOL or RDFLOAT. To print (formatted or free) columns of data use the procedure FORPRINT. CALLING SEQUENCE: READFMT, name, fmt, v1,[ v2, v3, v4, ..., v250, /SILENT, /DEBUG, SKIPLINE= , NUMLINE =] INPUTS: NAME - Name of ASCII data file. An extension of .DAT is assumed, if not supplied. FMT - scalar string containing a valid FORTRAN read format. Must include a field length specification. Cannot include internal parenthesis. A format field must be included for each output vector. Multiple format fields are allowed, but the repetition factor must be less than 100, (.i.e. 19X is allowed but 117X is illegal) Examples of valid FMT values are FMT = 'A7,3X,2I4' or FMT = '1H ,5I7,2A7' Examples of INVALID FMT values are FMT = 'A7,B3' ;'B' is not a valid FORTRAN format FMT = 'A7,2(I3,F5.1)' ;Internal parenthesis not allowed FMT = 'A7,F,I' ;Field length not included OUTPUTS: V1,V2,V3,...,V250 - IDL vectors to contain columns of data. Up to 250 output vectors may be read. The type of the output vectors are specified by FMT. OPTIONAL KEYWORD INPUTS: /SILENT - If this keyword is set and non-zero, then certain terminal output is suppressed while reading the file /DEBUG - Set this keyword to display additional information while reading the file. SKIPLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines to skip at the top of file before reading. Default is to start at first line NUMLINE - Scalar specifying number of lines in the file to read. Default is to read the entire file EXAMPLES: Each row in a fixed-format file POSITION.DAT contains a 5 character star name and 6 columns of data giving an RA and Dec in sexigesimal format. A possible format for such data might be IDL> FMT = 'A5,2I3,F5.1,2x,3I3' and the file could be quickly read with IDL> READFMT,'POSITION', fmt, name, hr, min, sec, deg, dmin, dsec NAME will be a string vector,SEC will be a floating point vector, and the other vectors will be of integer type. RESTRICTIONS: This procedure is designed for generality and not for speed. If a large ASCII file is to be read repeatedly, it may be worth writing a specialized reader. NOTES: When reading a field with an integer format I<n>, the output vector is byte - if n = 1 integer*2 - if 1 < n < 5 integer*4 - in all other cases Octal ('O') and hexadecimal ('Z') formats are read into longwords PROCEDURE CALLS: GETTOK(), REMCHAR, ZPARCHECK REVISION HISTORY: Written W. Landsman November, 1988 Added SKIPLINE and NUMLINE keywords March 92 Allow up to 25 columns to be read June 92 Call NUMLINES() function Feb 1996 Converted to IDL V5.0 W. Landsman September 1997 Recognize 'O' and 'Z' formats W. Landsman September 1997
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NAME: MYSAVEALL PURPOSE: Save "all" current session in a straightforward and safe way CATEGORY: Utility - Saving WRITTEN FILES: SAVEFILE defined as in program listing MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01 Feb 2007 Adapted from hiw own MYSAVE & MYSAVECOM by Mattia Vaccari 25 May 2007 Changed from procedure into batch file to actually allow saving of variables!;-) (Mattia Vaccari)
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MYSTAT NB : This is CIA's STAT procedure modified to allow its use outside the CIA environment !!! SEE BELOW FOR ORIGINAL STAT DOCUMENTATION AND CREDITS !!! 10 Apr 2008 - Adapted from CIA's STAT by Mattia Vaccari 06 Nov 2008 - Keyword check debugging and MEAN and MEDIAN and RMS and NPIX keywords added (Mattia Vaccari) PURPOSE: Give a set of frequently used statistical quantities CATEGORY: III-3, internal CALLING SEQUENCE: MYSTAT, image, each=each, undef=undef INPUTS: image -- array or cube : IDL 2 or 3 dimensional image OPTIONAL INPUT PARAMETERS: none KEYED INPUTS: each -- flag : to do statistics in each plane of a cube undef -- float : an "undefined" value (excluded from computation) out_tab -- strarr : puts results into a string array rather than printing them out to screen mean -- float : mean median -- float : median rms -- float : rms npix -- int : # of pixels KEYED OUTPUTS: out_tab -- strarr : standard output of MYSTAT OPTIONAL OUTPUT PARAMETERS: none EXAMPLE: ALGORITHM: DEPENDENCIES: COMMON BLOCKS: SESSION_BLOCK, SESSION_MODE, ERROR_CURRENT, STATUS_BOOL SIDE EFFECTS: RESTRICTIONS: CALLED PROCEDURES AND FUNCTIONS: MODIFICATION HISTORY: 1-Sep-1995 Koryo Okumura written with template_gen 22-Jan-1996 Marc Sauvage added the out_tab keyword 02-Sep-1998 SO make the out_tab keyword work if it is not defined beforehand COPYRIGHT: This routine belongs to the ISOCAM Interactive Analysis Package CIA. CIA is a joint development by the ESA Astrophysics Division and the ISOCAM Consortium led by the ISOCAM PI, C. Cesarsky, Direction des Sciences de la Matiere, C.E.A., France. Contributing ISOCAM Consortium institutes are Service d'Astrophysique (SAp, Saclay, France) and Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS, Orsay, France) When publishing ISOCAM Data reduced with this analysis package, please mention this in the acknowledgement the following way: "The ISOCAM data presented in this paper was analysed using "CIA", a joint development by the ESA Astrophysics Division and the ISOCAM Consortium led by the ISOCAM PI, C. Cesarsky, Direction des Sciences de la Matiere, C.E.A., France. " Its use and distribution to authorised sites are free, as long as this header text is not removed, or changed. No warranties for installation/ support/ maintenance are given.
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NAME: MY_MK_HTML_HELP PURPOSE: Generates HTML documentation to IDL software defining hyperlinks to IDL source files CATEGORY: Help/Documentation SEE ALSO: MK_HTML_HELP (IDL) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 28 Apr 2003 Adapted from MK_HTML_HELP by Mattia Vaccari to generate HTML help file with hyperlinks to IDL source files for "LARI Package" routines 05 Dec 2004 Refactored for general application (Mattia Vaccari) 10 Mar 2006 Changed author's contact info (Mattia Vaccari) 05 Sep 2006 Changed author's contact info (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: NOINDS PURPOSE: Find indices which are NOT in an index list, thus returning a "complementary" index list INPUTS: INDS - Index array ( e.g. [1,4,5,7,9] ) NELS - # of elements ( e.g 10 ) OUTPUTS: NOINDS - No-Index array ( e.g. [0,2,3,6,8] ) MODIFICATION HISTORY: 27 Oct 2006 Written by Mattia Vaccari 28 Feb 2009 on_error,2 added
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NAME: OORMO PURPOSE: Returns "One OR Minus One" Integer Array RESTRICTIONS: If an element of ARG is neither '+' nor '-' RES will be 0 SEE ALSO: OORMO MODIFICATION HISTORY: 03 Mar 2009 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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NAME: OPENPS PURPOSE: Open a PS file with "suitable" plot parameters KEYWORDS: _EXTRA Extra keywords (passed to DEVICE) EXAMPLE: To be used together with closeps, e.g. openps ; Plot Commands... closeps MODIFICATION HISTORY: 11 May 2006 Adapted from Seb Oliver's SETPS & SET_PLOT_PS (Mattia Vaccari) 27 Sep 2006 _EXTRA keyword added
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NAME: PORM PURPOSE: Returns "Plus OR Minus" String SEE ALSO: OROMO MODIFICATION HISTORY: 26 Jul 2007 Written by Mattia Vaccari 07 Dec 2007 Debugging
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NAME: SCREEN_GRAB PURPOSE: Write current window contents to file CATEGORY: Procedure - Utility - Send output to file INPUTS: None OPTIONAL INPUTS: file file name (defaults to pickfile) KEYED INPUTS: format format for image file jpg specfies jpg format (default) gif specfies gif format (may not be supported by some IDL licenses due to patent reasons) png specifies png format tiff specfies tiff format bmp specfies bmp format ps specifies ps format (not recommended!) back change "background" pixels to white and "foreground" pixels to black. In so doing, it is assumed that background color in the original image is indexed as "255" and foreground color as "0", pixels having these colors are pickes and thir colors are inverted, while other colors are left untouched, even if any color "combination" will change as well as a side effect. While this should work if one runs "COLOURS" first, these defaults may not reflect your color table of choice, therefore use BACK with care! COMMON BLOCKS: COLORS colour look-up table EXAMPLES: screen_grab,$ [file, format=format, gif=gif, bmp=bmp, jpg=jpg,$ tiff=tiff, png=png, ps=ps, back=back] SIDE EFFECTS: Writes file to disk MODIFICATION HISTORY: 01 Apr 2001 Adapted from Seb Oliver's SCREEN_GRAB by Mattia Vaccari by adding support for PS and PNG outout 11 Jun 2001 JPEG support added and BACK keyword removed (Mattia Vaccari) 06 Aug 2004 JPG & JPEG equivalent keywords now both supported (Mattia Vaccari) 21 Oct 2004 JPEG keyword dropped (Use JPG instead!) and BACK keyword reintroduced (Mattia Vaccari)
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NAME: SEX2DEC PURPOSE: Convert Celestial Coordinates from Sexagesimal to Decimal Format RESTRICTIONS: !!! BEWARE !!! : no-frills routine. no checks on inputs! MODIFICATION HISTORY: 16 Jan 2005 Written by Mattia Vaccari
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